Friday, August 29, 2008


A great day out at the rescue.

First off, it looks like Apache is having some possible labor or pre-labor pains. We are not sure when she is due. She was rescued from a slaughter auction where they said she was bred to a black and white paint pony. We rescued her last November, so at the very latest, she would be due at the beginning of October, but if she were already a few months pregnant when she was sent to the auction, she could be due right now. The vet's could not perform a full pregnancy exam on her because of her attitude. She has had a few small bouts of belly pain over the last few days, but today she was much more agitated- laying and looking at her belly, lots of tail switching, stamping her hind legs, rubbing her tail... We gave her a little Banamine to help her with the discomfort and after a while she settled down to eat a little. Her udder is not full, but then again neither was Navidad's. We have had many foals born at Shiloh and each mare showed different signs, so all we can do is wait. We are watching her closely...
Apache looking restless...

Falcon had his sore feet poulticed, he seemed to be feeling better today and he let us pick up his front feet which is a change for him. We are keeping him on daily pain meds for now. Dr Schur thought he was still at the point where we could keep his chronic Laminitis comfortable...

This morning, Seemore was outside of his Area 51 pasture, all his pasture mates were going crazy as he tried to find his way back in. Of course, he wouldn't let us catch him while he was loose so we had to usher him in. Once he was back inside, he trotted right up to his best friend, Poker and started to eat his breakfast. It was nice to see this old guy from the Pahrump auction showing some attitude! Go Seemore!
Seemore (on right) and Poker reunited!

Tanis, Gus, Cochise, and Borrego were all turned out together into the big arena- they had a wonderful time playing. It's so fun to watch them and hear the thundering hooves!

Having Fun! Yahoo!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

YOu can practically hear those guys going "YEEEE haaaa!!" can't you!