Don't forget to sign up for this Saturday's
Happy Horse Class! Learn breeds and their uses, colors and markings , taking your horse's TPRs, and signs of Colic. Everyone is welcome!
The remaining 8 Fallon horses are arriving at Shiloh late tonight. We are excited to see them again and start to get to know them...
It was a gorgeous day out there, hot and we removed everyone's blankets. Horses were laying in the warm sun all over the pastures.

Chance sleeping in the Big Vacation Village pasture. He was snoring away...

Sally working in the barn aisle...

Echo Echo.

Capone exploring the turn out, he wandered all around and actually even trotted some...

Ciento looking great in Assisted Living. He has gained so much weight and looks like a different horse.

Elisa worked Cedar.

Lucero was feeling frisky in the Bungalows!

Go Lucero!

Vanilla gets some attention.

Sharil tried to shed her out, look at that hair! Vanilla has more hair than any horse we have ever seen, she is wooly mammoth and is only now starting to shed it out.

It took three people to work on her!

Some of Vanilla's hair...

Stretch, look how good he looks! He has really filled out...

We moved Stretch and Vanilla out into the Cuckoo's Nest Pasture. They LOVED it and caused quite a stir!
Our new washrack area's cement has been laid. It's going to be so wonderful, no more ankle deep mud...
Check out our new washrack!! YEE HAW!!!!
All the hair from Vanilla look just like all the hair I have been getting of Christin for weeks! I can not wait until he is done shedding he is going to look like a different horse! I will be sure to send pictures when he is done shedding
YAHOOOOO, can't wait to start using that washrack!
It looked like it SNOWED after Vanilla was shedded out! Jet decided to start shedding on the windiest day of the week, so all that fur blew RIGHT in my face. As I was pulling hair out of my mouth and eyes, I swear he turned around and laughed at me.
Can't wait to meet the new guys!! Fabulous job, girls!
It was hot today here in Yuma AZ too! Wow, the horses look great. Stretch & Vanilla look handsome. I bet it will be sometime before Vanilla gets her summer coat in. Wow, it's a huge wash rack...looks GREAT! Wonderful job
Just visiting (from FHoTD) but I'm wondering about Vanilla's age? And has he ever been check for Cushings? I had a little Welsh Morgan cross that was my kids' first pony, and as he got older, he got a coat like that--I could have stuffed pillows with all the hair! It finally got to where we had to actually body-clip him in late spring for him to have a comfortable summer. He was finally diagnosed with Cushings.
Or maybe Vanilla is just hairy! Anyway, thought I might mention it.
Good work you guys are doing!
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