Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Inca going Rogue!

Our Llama, Inca, escaped the other day. She wandered around a bit outside of Shiloh...

Then she was rounded up...

Moving on out!

Heading down the road to the gate.

Her Rogue days over, she settled down for a nice breakfast by the feed room.


Mikey said...

I'm wondering if Sally had a hand in this roundup. Is there nothing she can't handle? lol
Llama wranglering... the things I see on the Internet :)

the 4 D's said...

Go Darian

Elaine said...

There is always something going on. Good job on the round up. Remember the day the horses got out of the big pasture and we all had to round them up, and yes our Sally was right in the middle. I had a great time. Lovin Shiloh

sandycreek said...

I love Llamas!
They are easier to herd than emus.