Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
On the Way Back Home...
We have named the mom Nevada and we have named the newborn Battle Born after the Nevada state motto. After all he was born in the midst of a horse welfare battle on a slaughter feedlot. We can call him BB. Nevada gave birth to BB in the mud and snow of the feedlot surrounded by other horses on Christmas Day.
Of course, we rescued 9 more horses today making a total of 18 feedlot horses rescued in the past week. Two truckloads of slaughterbound horses are shipping out tomorrow from this lot. It was very hard to walk around and see the horses who will be killed and not try to save some of them.
So, we rescued Wampum, the older paint in the trailer, a one eyed palomino mare who is well broke for riding, another palomino dude string mare, a weanling filly, a Thoroughbred gelding who has worked on a ranch, an Appy pony, a Saddlebred gelding who looks like he was someone's show horse, and of course Nevada and BB.
We used our Slaughter Fund to help pay for these horses. The total for all 18 horses was just over $3600.00.
Thank you to everyone for your support! More info and photos coming tomorrow!
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Foal in Need...
We will be at Shiloh very early in the am and then head out from there.
Computer Problems and the Feedlot Horses
But, I should be able to use a borrowed keyboard attached to my laptop for a few days. I have lots of photos to post from the past weekend and I will get those up asap. I am posting this post with my iPhone which is not easy
It looks like eight of the nine new feedlot horses will be arriving at Shiloh late tonight/early tomorrow. This load will include the two moms and babies, two camp type geldings and two ottbs. The ninth gelding will ship in the next load sometime in the next week. We are in the process of rescuing another camp type horse, a palomino mare, two more ottbs and possibly a mare and her newborn foal. I will post more about all the horses as the first load arrives and the second load is organized. The holidays slowed everything down. I will post pics of the new guys tomorrow...
In the meantime, I received the following in my email and wanted to share it. It us so true!
Only horse people...
* Believe in the 11th Commandment: Inside leg to outside rein.
* Know that all topical medications come in either indelible blue, neon yellow or purple.
* Think nothing of eating a sandwich after cleaning out stables.
* Know why a thermometer has a foot of string attached to one end of it.
* Are banned from Laundromats.
* Fail to associate whips, chains and leather with sexual deviancy.
* Can magically lower their voices five octaves to bellow at a pawing horse.
* Have a language all their own ("If he pops his shoulder, I have to close that hand and keep pushing with my seat in case he sucks back".)
* Will end relationships over their hobby.
* Click to their cars to help them up hills.
* Insure their horses for more than their cars.
* Will give you 20 names and reasons for that bump on your horse.
* Know more about their horse's nutrition than their own.
* Have neat's-foot oil stains on the carpet right next to the TV.
* Have a vocabulary that can make a sailor blush.
* Have less wardrobe than their horse.
* Engage in a hobby that is more work than their day job.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Cloudy and Cold...
Back at the ranch... It was cloudy and cold out at Shiloh on Tuesday. It started to rain in the early afternoon and there was snow falling in the pass...

Monday, December 21, 2009
A Big Headache and Then Lots and Lots of Pictures...
This is the New Arrival, Liberado. He is the Arab gelding whose owner had lost his job and could not feed him for the past few days. We named him Liberado, which means "released, set free or delivered" in Spanish. The owner's name was also Liberado, so it's a perfect name for him. He is 7 years old and very sweet. We are not sure if he is broke to ride, we will give him some time to settle in before we try anything with him. He does appear to be healthy and sound.
He is a bit thin and dirty, but very interested in his new surroundings and with some time will make someone a very nice horse...
Our Christmas Tree...
Veteran and Longfellow are doing great. They have become good friends...
Veteran is gaining weight and his coat is looking better. He is still thin but has an excellent appetite and should be back to a healthy weight in a few months.
His condition when he first arrived.
His hindquarters are becoming more round and has less bony points.
Longfellow is also filling out.
Salsa carried a feed bucket around. Sigh...
Out in the Big Pasture, Daytona and Dayton hung out. They are best friends and make a very cute pair.
That is Kerkorian in one of the Duplexes with Little Vacation Village behind him.
Boone, looking cute! He has such a neat face. We are still waiting for his x-ray results from last week's vet testing.
Falcon out in the Okay Corral.
Okay Corral. Lots of horses laying down in the sun and dozing away...
Thistle in The Big Pasture.
Pequito is enjoying his time out in the Big Pasture. He is friends with another TB gelding, Sleet...
Here is Sleet (Sleetwood Mac).
Another TB gelding, Seattle enjoys his hay in the Big Pasture...
The VC Pen with the three Blind Girls. That is the annex pen behind them with White Cloud.
Nike in the Okay Corral. She is looking great but we had to put her adoption evaluation on hold as her hoof crack (caused by an injury in her former adoptive home) has opened up causing her to show lameness if she is worked. We are giving her some pasture time to allow her hoof wall and it's crack to grow out.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Helping Feedlot Horses and another New Arrival
There are two ranch/camp type horses, one older paint gelding, two mares with foals and two straight off of the track Thoroughbreds.
We are saving all nine horses for $1975.00. More info to come.
As I am writing this one of the guys is picking up an Arab gelding in North Las Vegas who's owner recently lost his job. We were told that the horse has not eaten this week, whether that is true or not, this gelding needed help and quickly.
We are happy to welcome these ten horses to Shiloh.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Traveler Amid the Red Rocks of Sedona 12/16/09
Today, we decided to get out and take a Jeep tour with Pink Jeep Tours...

Iceman's Blog
The Iceman Cometh is a great blog about a really neat horse...