Galaxy gets the royal treatment...
But then, Jill and Sally had to leave the ranch early today as one of our Assisted Living old guys was acting odd. Eureka was showing signs of discomfort- laying down, not eating, with an elevated heart rate. We just can't wait with one of these senior horses (Eureka is almost 30 years old), so we gave him some Banamine and loaded him in the trailer to meet the vet in town.
Sandi spends some time with Eureka while we wait for the vet...
Eureka gets tubed with oil and water. He was showing mild colic signs, but his rectal exam was good. His heart rate was still high. Dr. Schur thought she might have smelled a urine smell on his breath, possibly a sign of Kidney problems. She also heard some sand in his intestine.

Dr. Schur drew some blood so we can check his Kidney function. Eureka is staying in town tonight at Kathy's ranch. If all stays well, he will be brought back out to Shiloh in the morning.
Never a dull day at the rescue!