Monday, April 21, 2008

Back to London from Birmingham

Traveler journeyed back to London from Birmingham today. It was an easy day today with no events scheduled.
Traveler watched the countryside pass by his window...
He used this time to get closer to the guy in the cowboy hat. He chatted with Tony all the way to London, telling him of the great adventures and things he has done in the last few days. It was nice to have some manly company for once, up to this point he has been spending all his time with the girls...
It was wonderful to feel the cool air blowing on his face..."Hey, there is the house where Shakespeare was born!"

"Hey, stop the car- this is an important statue!" Traveler made everyone stop to see the Monument dedicated to the Animals who served and gave their lives for the Allied Forces. He was very moved by this beautiful Memorial...

Here is a Burro...

"This is a Mule...

"Here is a dog...

"A horse... What a wonderful Memorial for animals."

Later that night, Traveler joined Tony for dinner at one of Tony's favorite London restaurants.

Traveler stayed close to his new friend.

He even offered to help with the bill...

A nice lazy day.

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