A nice and quiet day today. The wind kicked up later in the day, but the morning was beautiful.

Peanut looking deceptively cute on her way to the ranch this morning...

Nevada and BB...

I shedded out Eagle this morning and got off tons of hair. His deformed hoof was bothering him a bit today so I treated him with some extra Bute and spent some time with him.

See his deformed hoof? This rotation was caused by an injury long before he came to Shiloh. We keep it rounded off for easier breakover and he wears a "Soft Ride" boot for comfort. We also give him Bute on a regular basis and he is enjoying his life at the rescue...

Aztec pigging out by the feedroom...

We have some young new arrivals! These little chicks were hatched in our Chicken Pen- the hen must have hid these eggs in one of the chicken boxes and sat on them. When I went in to feed the chickens this morning, out they streamed! They are so cute...

Over in Isolation, Banjo is looking good. His Isolation period will be over at the end of the month, so just a few more days...

Over in Easy Street, Sanctuary horse, Marilyn, got a drink.

I worked on Tioga's lesion, it's actually looking pretty good.

This was a big hole held together with stitches, now it's granulated and filled in. It's actually less painful for him than his cancerous lesion was and should heal right up.

Over in the Labor and Delivery area of our Bungalows, Vortex is getting huge. Her baby is moving around and if you watch closely, you can see it moving. We have separated Vertigo and Pippi for their upcoming births. Both mares have a large outdoor pen with a private heavily bedded stall for foaling.

Here is Vortex's foaling area, it's all ready for her. Most of the Shiloh babies have been born in these areas of the Bungalows. These stalls are nice and protected and private for the mare and foal. We keep it heavily bedded with straw for their comfort.

This is Pippi's stall.

Looks comfy! Now come on Pippi! She is getting very close to foaling and we think it will be within the week...
Maybe we will have babies this week end. Vortex was leaking last Sunday.
Baby chicks!!! How cute!!! awwww
I cant wait to see the little baby chicks!!! Awwww, I want one. I am sure the H.O.A. wouldn't mind a couple of chickens on my patio.
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