Tomorrow is a Vet Day at Shiloh. Domingo, Levi, Wasabi, and hopefully Iceman, will all be gelded. Some skin cancers will be treated (we routinely have to have cancerous growths removed from some of our older horses), Tumbleweed will be checked over, and other routine care done. It will be a full day at the rescue, there is alot to get done.
County Critters, a local Clark County television program, will be out at Shiloh on Thursday morning to film the rescue for an upcoming segment. I will post more about when it will be aired once I have an idea. Let's hope all the animals are on their best behaviors!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tommy Haflinger and Blackjack UPDATE!
I just received this email update from the adopters of Tommy and Blackjack, both adopted from Shiloh. How wonderful!
"I was excited to tell you that both Tommy and Blackjack went to a local hunter show and cleaned up. Tommy and Aubrie went in training hunters 18" and took 5th out of 10 kids, which is an awesome accomplishment because last weekend was his first time jumping multiple jumps and this was his first time jumping over flowers and even a little stone wall. Blackjack and I went in low hunters 2-2'3" division and got 2- second places and 1- 3rd place and it was a large open division. The wind was strong and most of the horses were acting out except for the our horses who had great manners and performed beautifully-- we are very proud."
The Weekend
A busy and windy weekend...
Sally does double duty and leads Woody from the turn out as Dude follows...
While he eats, Capone gets groomed by a volunteer...
Tumbleweed gets some attention. She spent a while in the turn out and wandered a little bit... Here Sally checks her flymask which is protecting her eyes during the winds..
Woody looking good in the turn out...
Sabine, who has a fracture, hobbled around on her cast and crutches. Poor Sabine!
Coby looking cute!
Jill and Sally cut wood for new signs...
Jill is painting the signs...

Well, a "new" horse was discovered early Sunday morning. She had been put into Shiloh's gate at some point in the night and abandoned. The guys never heard anything and she was found early the next morning lying in the big turn out against the fence by Assisted Living. Her back legs are cut and scarred up, from possibly tripping, although we don't know for sure. Felipe fell in love with her at first sight- and she is now his horse.
She settled in. As sad as it is, we really have no recourse for her dumping. I guess we can say at least she was dumped at the rescue, not in the desert like some of the others?
Slew took a nap on some hay...
Trigger got a hug!
Apache was moved into the Bungalows where she had some fun!
Sandy and John working hard on Shiloh's Store/Gift Shop...
Part of the Shiloh crew- hey, where are your Shiloh shirts!
John and the soon to be store. We are excited about The Shiloh Shop, we will be able to sell our Shiloh Logo Wear, Horseshoes, Used Tack and equipment, and more... Great work guys!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Get your Groove on!
We now have Shiloh Logo visors and baseball hats available on our website and at Shiloh. Make sure you check them out!
Bombay UPDATE: She was started on IV fluids last night to treat her impaction. Let's hope that can get things moving. She is still in the clinic...
Our newest Shiloh Music Video! Watch the animals get their groove on!
Bombay UPDATE: She was started on IV fluids last night to treat her impaction. Let's hope that can get things moving. She is still in the clinic...
Our newest Shiloh Music Video! Watch the animals get their groove on!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday's Adventures...
A calm and beautiful day. The sun was warm and many of the horses spent the day laying down in the sun, recovering from the 40 mile an hour winds from yesterday.
But, just to remind us all that things can quickly turn around, as I type this Bombay is being taken into the vet clinic with a case of colic. She was a bit colicy this morning, and was treated at Shiloh and seemed better. But, as can be the case, she began to show signs again about an hour ago. So, Leo is bringing her in, better safe than sorry we like to say. With the high winds we had all day yesterday, she probably did not drink as much water as she should have and may just be a bit impacted. I will update as soon as we know something... She can say hit to Chief for all of us when she is in there!
Back to today:
This is to be our new Isolation turn out area. This will enable the isolated horses to be turned out far away from the rest of the population.
Our new SUPER ISOLATION area's perimeter fence. This will really help us keep the isolated horses far away and out of contact with everyone else...
More of the fencing...
Crusoe, who is currently in isolation with a respiratory infection, enjoys the extra space and had some fun. He is obviously feeling better!
But, just to remind us all that things can quickly turn around, as I type this Bombay is being taken into the vet clinic with a case of colic. She was a bit colicy this morning, and was treated at Shiloh and seemed better. But, as can be the case, she began to show signs again about an hour ago. So, Leo is bringing her in, better safe than sorry we like to say. With the high winds we had all day yesterday, she probably did not drink as much water as she should have and may just be a bit impacted. I will update as soon as we know something... She can say hit to Chief for all of us when she is in there!
Back to today:

Back on the other side of the ranch:
Elisa worked with Inspirada who is doing well in her training...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Plestocene Shaggy
Very sad news as Pleistocene Shaggy, the Cave Pony passed away this morning at Shiloh.
As I had mentioned in the blog post from yesterday, we think Shaggy had suffered a stroke yesterday. This morning he was laying in his outdoor run and could not get up. The guys got him to his feet, but he could not stand. Shaggy was comforted by Eric while Jill, Sally, and Sharil drove to the ranch.
P. Shaggy wandering a few weeks ago, happy and content...
Eating the dog food not too long after his rescue last year. Notice the difference in his condition in the above photo. He was in awful shape when he was rescued.

P. Shaggy and Rugrat with the children from F.EA.T. on 3/15/09. Shaggy was so gentle with the children with autism...

Shaggy was having small seizures and we knew his time was close. So, with the vet's guidance, we gave him a strong sedative to allow him to pass in peace. He did. Shaggy is buried at Shiloh.
Shaggy was rescued from an CA auction in April 2008 for a mere $25.00 and spent his last year of his life in comfort at Shiloh. He lived in the barn stall with Daisy and Flower and roamed freely during the day. Shaggy was a well loved member of the Shiloh Family and he will be badly missed. But, we are so happy that we could give him a comfortable and loving last year. It was the best $25.00 Shiloh ever spent.

P. Shaggy and Rugrat with the children from F.EA.T. on 3/15/09. Shaggy was so gentle with the children with autism...
Weds at the ranch
Well, we did not get to bring Chief home to Shiloh yet. He will be trailered out by Dr. Schur's husband within the next few days. He has a better trailer for Chief- it can be made into a slant load which will allow Chief to brace against the sides to stabilize himself. He is still hanging in there...
Here he is...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
Scrappy ate some donated celery...
And then waited at the new Feed Room Portico for more treats...
We think P. Shaggy may have had a small stroke sometime the night before- he was very wobbly on his legs and a bit confused. P. Shaggy has some neurological issues anyway, so we are just keeping him comfortable. He was eating and seemed happy, but we are keeping a close eye on this sweet old guy...
Tumbleweed ate her buffet style breakfast...

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