Beautiful warm weather at the ranch. All the winter blankets are now off and the horses are beginning to shed out their thick winter coats.

Sad news as Sanctuary Horse, Meadow, passed away this morning. She was in her thirties and had lived a good horse life in our pastures after being rescued from slaughter in 2007. Rest in peace, Meadow...

Adoptable horse, Slider, looking cute in the turn out...

Muncie, one of the horses found dumped in the desert two months ago, is gradually gaining weight. Once he is healthy he will be evaluated for adoption to his new home. A very sweet young gelding who is going make someone an excellent horse.

Jiggs, who was adopted many years ago, returned to Shiloh yesterday. His loving owner is moving out of the country and didn't want Jiggs to have to go through the stress. He is now approx 29 years old and looks wonderful. Welcome back, Jiggs!

Trucker tried on a saddle blanket...

Wandering Mustang, Cortez, silhouetted in the Barn aisle...

Gina and Fortune in their riding lesson. They did awesome!

Some of Guardian Angel senior horses in Assisted Living enjoying their GA feed on Sunday morning.
- Posted by Jill Curtis from the Ranch