I am sorry I haven't had the time to blog and post photos lately. Sally and I are trying so hard to get our Ranch Houses finalized. We are now waiting the for the electric company to come out turn the power on. Sounds easy, but trust us, it isn't. All we need is the power and we can move in! We have been spending all of our days at our homes and we don't get home until after dark and we are emotionally and physically drained at the end of each day.
Our lives will be so much simpler once we live at Shiloh. Once I move, all I will have to do is head into my house to post the daily adventures. So, just bear with us for another week more!
Here are some photos I snapped today, Enjoy! :o)

Our goat Muffett...

Wanderers Moose and Concho grab a drink outside of Big Pasture...

Big Pasture. The weather is just beautiful during the day, but still into the 30's at night...

Donkey Otie and Florecita grab a drink by the feedroom...

Okay Corral...

Big Pasture...

Big Pasture...

Okay Corral...

Okay Corral...

Okay Corral...

Blahnik getting a drink at Okay Corral...

Sweet old Gummie member Melvyn...

Part of the Gummies. Left to right, Yep, Graffiti, Scrappy...

Stetson and his best friend Austin in the Duplex...

Wanderer Pokie Dot...
Kelso, Little Vacation Village...