I have been swamped the past few weeks and found it difficult to find the time to post on the blog. Not only do I run Shiloh, and all that entails, but I also run my late husband Tony's business as well. My business partner and I are working hard on licensing Tony's artwork, something that Tony worked for as well. I am continuing the business and it has been taking up alot of time. It is a way that I can honor Tony and his artwork as well as support all of the animals at Shiloh.
I am also scheduled for major back surgery next weds (I had been scheduled for yesterday but it was postponed at the last minute).
So needless to say, my life is very busy (but isn't everyones?).
But, I finally took some photos today at the ranch and here they are! Enjoy!

This morning's Breakfast Club- left to right: Levi, Aztec, Donkey Otie, BLT and Lyfting.

Jerome and Poker waiting for breakfast in our bigger and better Little Vacation Village...

Yep is doing better. We actually moved her into the Gummie Saloon today so she can make friends and live in a herd which is good for her quality of life...

Belmont, Big Pasture...

Cisco, Big Pasture...

Freedom and Stretch, Assisted Living...

Marilyn, Assisted Living...

A shot of Boarder Corner...

More Boarder Corner...

Curly Sherlock, Bungalows...

Fame, Bungalows...

Skeeter enjoys a salt lick...

Volunteer Betsy worked with Sherlock today. He is such a sweet guy, he will really make someone a great riding horse...

Felipe used the big tractor while Diego supervised...

Mamcita and Florecita during Breakfast Club...

Helga spent some time with little Levi...

While Jimmy Dean took a drink...