Saturday, July 31, 2010
Just some photos...
Thanks to Sharil who took these photos yesterday...
Orleans and Happiness under their Duplex's shelter. Orleans has put on alot of weight since her arrival...

Summer Days...
So, what do the Shiloh animals do when it's over 100 degrees out?
Not much.
Thanks to Eric for this cute video of Aztec and Mojo chilling under City Center's misters. It's just too hot to do anything else...
Not much.
Thanks to Eric for this cute video of Aztec and Mojo chilling under City Center's misters. It's just too hot to do anything else...
Friday, July 30, 2010
HSUS Press Release/ Horse Transportation Safety Act
The Humane Society of the United States Applauds Passage of H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act, in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
(July 29, 2010)—The Humane Society of the United States applauds the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for passing legislation—H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009—that will vastly improve the welfare of horse transport in the United States.
Chairman James Oberstar, D-Minn., and Ranking Member John Mica, R-Fla., exhibited strong leadership for horse protection by moving this bill for a vote. Chairman Oberstar spoke eloquently about the dangers horses faced in a series of accidents involving double-decker trailers and commended the bipartisan nature of the legislation. Rep. Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa, offered an amendment to remove the ban on double deckers from the bill and to simply regulate these vehicles. He then agreed to withdraw the amendment after several members from both parties spoke strongly against it as undermining the need for an immediate ban.
The legislation would prohibit the interstate transportation of horses in a motor vehicle containing two or more levels stacked on top of one another. The bill was introduced by U.S. Reps. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and has 70 House cosponsors. In addition to Chairman Oberstar and Rep. Cohen, Reps. John Hall, D-N.Y., Phil Hare, D-Ill., and Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., also spoke in strong support of the legislation today.
“The time has come for Congress to ban double decker trailers for all horses,” said Keith Dane, The HSUS’ director of equine protection. “We don’t need any more gruesome incidents to know that double-decker trailers are inhumane and unsafe. These vehicles are primarily used by the horse slaughter industry for hauling as many horses as possible from auctions to slaughter plants in Canada and Mexico. The American public loves horses and this legislation is urgently needed to prevent future tragedies.”
Double-decker trailers are designed for animals such as cattle and pigs – shorter-necked species than horses, who require more headroom than double-decker trailers afford. Horses often throw their heads to maintain balance, and injure easily in such vehicles.
The USDA has stated: “We do not believe that equines can be safely and humanely transported on a conveyance that has an animal cargo space divided into two or more stacked levels.” (9 CFR Parts 70 and 88)
“It is time that we put an end to the inhumane practice of using double-decker trailers to transport horses,” Rep. Kirk said. “Stacking these animals one atop the other in a moving vehicle is simply an accident waiting to happen. It is not only a cruel way to transport horses, but it also puts human lives at risk.”
Rep. Cohen said, “Using double-stacked trailers is inhumane and cruel. Our bill prohibits any interstate transportation of horses in double-stacked trailers and implements tough civil penalties for anyone caught using such deplorable modes of transportation for horses.”
Recent accidents graphically demonstrate the dangers of the double-decker trailers. In 2006, a double-decker truck hauling 41 horses in Missouri crashed, killing 16 horses. In 2007, a double-decker carrying 59 horses in Illinois struck another vehicle after blowing through a stop sign. It took five hours to rescue the horses from this mangled truck, resulting in the death of nine horses; six died later due to injuries sustained. In both instances, the design of the trailers caused horses to lose parts of their legs or break their backs. Others were crushed under the weight of other horses falling on top of them.
Congress will soon recess for the summer but returns in September when H.R. 305 is now cleared for a vote before the U.S. House of Representatives.
The following letter was used by the HSUS:
The Honorable Chairman Oberstar
2165 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
RE: SUPPORT H.R. 305 with no amendments
Dear Chairman Oberstar:
We write to endorse H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009. Thank you for your leadership in working for the passage of this important legislation. As leading horse welfare advocates, we object to the inhumane transportation of horses in double-decker trailers that are not designed for horses, and that pose a serious threat to the safety of the public driving on America’s roads and highways. We do not believe that these can be made safe under any conditions, given the physical characteristics of equines and the existing highway safety regulations.
Double-decker trailers were not designed or built with horses in mind. They force horses to endure long journeys with their heads held in an unnatural and uncomfortable position. Far too often we have heard of horrific accidents, where trailers overturned or collided with other vehicles. Horses are crushed and trampled to death, and others escape to run loose on crowded highways.
Although USDA regulations prohibit the use of double-decker trailers to transport horses to slaughter, they do not adequately address horse welfare. Because there are no horse slaughter plants in the U.S., most horses bought for slaughter are transported to holding facilities before being shipped across the border. These dangerous trailers remain the most popular way for killer buyers to transport horses on our public roads.
We hope Congress will act quickly in passing HR 305, without amendment, and in doing so protect not only the welfare of America’s horses, but also the safety of the American public.
Beth DiCaprio
The Grace Foundation
Nicki Branch
FalconRidge Equine Rescue, Inc.
Joan Steelhammer
Equine Outreach, Inc.
Jerry Finch
Habitat for Horses
Leslie Maxwell
AlderHill Farms Equine Rescue
Jill Curtis
Shiloh Horse Rescue
Hilary Wood
Frontrange Equine Rescue
Karen Pomroy
Equine Voices Rescue
The Humane Society of the United States Applauds Passage of H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act, in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
(July 29, 2010)—The Humane Society of the United States applauds the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for passing legislation—H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009—that will vastly improve the welfare of horse transport in the United States.
Chairman James Oberstar, D-Minn., and Ranking Member John Mica, R-Fla., exhibited strong leadership for horse protection by moving this bill for a vote. Chairman Oberstar spoke eloquently about the dangers horses faced in a series of accidents involving double-decker trailers and commended the bipartisan nature of the legislation. Rep. Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa, offered an amendment to remove the ban on double deckers from the bill and to simply regulate these vehicles. He then agreed to withdraw the amendment after several members from both parties spoke strongly against it as undermining the need for an immediate ban.
The legislation would prohibit the interstate transportation of horses in a motor vehicle containing two or more levels stacked on top of one another. The bill was introduced by U.S. Reps. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and has 70 House cosponsors. In addition to Chairman Oberstar and Rep. Cohen, Reps. John Hall, D-N.Y., Phil Hare, D-Ill., and Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., also spoke in strong support of the legislation today.
“The time has come for Congress to ban double decker trailers for all horses,” said Keith Dane, The HSUS’ director of equine protection. “We don’t need any more gruesome incidents to know that double-decker trailers are inhumane and unsafe. These vehicles are primarily used by the horse slaughter industry for hauling as many horses as possible from auctions to slaughter plants in Canada and Mexico. The American public loves horses and this legislation is urgently needed to prevent future tragedies.”
Double-decker trailers are designed for animals such as cattle and pigs – shorter-necked species than horses, who require more headroom than double-decker trailers afford. Horses often throw their heads to maintain balance, and injure easily in such vehicles.
The USDA has stated: “We do not believe that equines can be safely and humanely transported on a conveyance that has an animal cargo space divided into two or more stacked levels.” (9 CFR Parts 70 and 88)
“It is time that we put an end to the inhumane practice of using double-decker trailers to transport horses,” Rep. Kirk said. “Stacking these animals one atop the other in a moving vehicle is simply an accident waiting to happen. It is not only a cruel way to transport horses, but it also puts human lives at risk.”
Rep. Cohen said, “Using double-stacked trailers is inhumane and cruel. Our bill prohibits any interstate transportation of horses in double-stacked trailers and implements tough civil penalties for anyone caught using such deplorable modes of transportation for horses.”
Recent accidents graphically demonstrate the dangers of the double-decker trailers. In 2006, a double-decker truck hauling 41 horses in Missouri crashed, killing 16 horses. In 2007, a double-decker carrying 59 horses in Illinois struck another vehicle after blowing through a stop sign. It took five hours to rescue the horses from this mangled truck, resulting in the death of nine horses; six died later due to injuries sustained. In both instances, the design of the trailers caused horses to lose parts of their legs or break their backs. Others were crushed under the weight of other horses falling on top of them.
Congress will soon recess for the summer but returns in September when H.R. 305 is now cleared for a vote before the U.S. House of Representatives.
The following letter was used by the HSUS:
The Honorable Chairman Oberstar
2165 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
RE: SUPPORT H.R. 305 with no amendments
Dear Chairman Oberstar:
We write to endorse H.R. 305, the Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009. Thank you for your leadership in working for the passage of this important legislation. As leading horse welfare advocates, we object to the inhumane transportation of horses in double-decker trailers that are not designed for horses, and that pose a serious threat to the safety of the public driving on America’s roads and highways. We do not believe that these can be made safe under any conditions, given the physical characteristics of equines and the existing highway safety regulations.
Double-decker trailers were not designed or built with horses in mind. They force horses to endure long journeys with their heads held in an unnatural and uncomfortable position. Far too often we have heard of horrific accidents, where trailers overturned or collided with other vehicles. Horses are crushed and trampled to death, and others escape to run loose on crowded highways.
Although USDA regulations prohibit the use of double-decker trailers to transport horses to slaughter, they do not adequately address horse welfare. Because there are no horse slaughter plants in the U.S., most horses bought for slaughter are transported to holding facilities before being shipped across the border. These dangerous trailers remain the most popular way for killer buyers to transport horses on our public roads.
We hope Congress will act quickly in passing HR 305, without amendment, and in doing so protect not only the welfare of America’s horses, but also the safety of the American public.
Beth DiCaprio
The Grace Foundation
Nicki Branch
FalconRidge Equine Rescue, Inc.
Joan Steelhammer
Equine Outreach, Inc.
Jerry Finch
Habitat for Horses
Leslie Maxwell
AlderHill Farms Equine Rescue
Jill Curtis
Shiloh Horse Rescue
Hilary Wood
Frontrange Equine Rescue
Karen Pomroy
Equine Voices Rescue
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tony Update
Tony is doing better, we are now in a physical rehabilitation hospital to help him get his strength back up. He is being his stubborn self, which is a very good sign! We will most likely be here for a few weeks, but we expect TC to have a full recovery and to be able to get on with his life...
Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support at this difficult time.
Jill Curtis
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Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support at this difficult time.
Jill Curtis
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hot Days at Shiloh
With this incredibly hot weather we are having, there is not a lot that can be done at the rescue but to make sure all of the horses are handling the heat and drinking enough water. All of our horses have access to multiple shelters, how anyone can make a horse stand in this sun without shade is mind boggling. It got up to 116 degrees a few days ago! It's so hot that it's almost impossible for a person to stand in the full sun for more than a few minutes. Yet, we all know of people who keep horses without shelter. We have even heard the excuse of, "well, they don't use it anyway"- who cares, at least they have the choice to use it or not and when they do need it, they have it!
If you know of a horse who does not have access to shade, please contact Animal Control- it IS a requirement for an animal to have access to shelter in Clark County. Unfortunately, it IS NOT required in Nye County (Pahrump), although it should be. We get calls almost every day from concerned people who see horses standing in the blazing sun- all we can do is ask them to contact AC and FOLLOW UP. You must keep on calling until someone goes out to inspect the situation. Contact numbers can be found on Shiloh's website on our sidebar.

Speaking of drinking water, here is Lark and Aiken doing just that in the Big Pasture...

Moose, the new wandering Mule, cruises by Assisted Living...

While Wanderers, Concho, Scrappy and Baja, hang out by The Saloon...

Ranch dog, Sarge, finds a shady spot by the Boarder tack sheds...

And over in the Big Pasture, the horses investigate a hose that popped off of the automatic float. They like it when this happens as they get a chance to play and roll in the cool mud.
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If you know of a horse who does not have access to shade, please contact Animal Control- it IS a requirement for an animal to have access to shelter in Clark County. Unfortunately, it IS NOT required in Nye County (Pahrump), although it should be. We get calls almost every day from concerned people who see horses standing in the blazing sun- all we can do is ask them to contact AC and FOLLOW UP. You must keep on calling until someone goes out to inspect the situation. Contact numbers can be found on Shiloh's website on our sidebar.

Speaking of drinking water, here is Lark and Aiken doing just that in the Big Pasture...

Moose, the new wandering Mule, cruises by Assisted Living...

While Wanderers, Concho, Scrappy and Baja, hang out by The Saloon...

Ranch dog, Sarge, finds a shady spot by the Boarder tack sheds...

And over in the Big Pasture, the horses investigate a hose that popped off of the automatic float. They like it when this happens as they get a chance to play and roll in the cool mud.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday and BB Learns to Load
Another scorching day here in the desert, but as always, Saturday was busy.
Little Battle Born, who is now 7 months old, is weaned and learning his ground manners. He is leading nicely and today was his first experience with a horse trailer. BB will be heading to his new home in CA in a few weeks so we wanted to make sure he was up to speed on what he needed to know before he leaves Shiloh for the big world...

Kody and BB get ready for the approach. BB is attentive and relaxed...

Heading in!

BB wonders why he has to get into this thing, but because he is trusting and level headed, he went along with the program...

Learning to stand quietly before closing the scary door...

He's in!

Yvonne rewards him for his bravery...

The pressure is off...

A lesson well learned- now it's time to act like a baby again! Big thanks to Dave and Kody for working with him and doing such a great job!

Dave picked up the donated hay and tack this morning and brought it out to the rescue- thanks again Dave!

The Breakfast Club...

Elaine and her adopted horse, Granite. Do people look like their horses? I think they do! Granite and Elaine have the same expression on their faces!

Kody with little Butterfly...

Mojo on the Cherry Pie grass...

Inca and Aztec watch the daily action from the coolness of City Center's misters...
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Little Battle Born, who is now 7 months old, is weaned and learning his ground manners. He is leading nicely and today was his first experience with a horse trailer. BB will be heading to his new home in CA in a few weeks so we wanted to make sure he was up to speed on what he needed to know before he leaves Shiloh for the big world...

Kody and BB get ready for the approach. BB is attentive and relaxed...

Heading in!

BB wonders why he has to get into this thing, but because he is trusting and level headed, he went along with the program...

Learning to stand quietly before closing the scary door...

He's in!

Yvonne rewards him for his bravery...

The pressure is off...

A lesson well learned- now it's time to act like a baby again! Big thanks to Dave and Kody for working with him and doing such a great job!

Dave picked up the donated hay and tack this morning and brought it out to the rescue- thanks again Dave!

The Breakfast Club...

Elaine and her adopted horse, Granite. Do people look like their horses? I think they do! Granite and Elaine have the same expression on their faces!

Kody with little Butterfly...

Mojo on the Cherry Pie grass...

Inca and Aztec watch the daily action from the coolness of City Center's misters...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, July 23, 2010
Finally, Some Photos!
Sally and I got a chance to get away from the Hospital for a few hours.
I took these photos this morning:
First off, the newest arrivals were moved into the Isolation pasture so they can move around and hang out together. The other three feedlot horses, Carefree, Latilla and Gomez were moved to the rescue side of the ranch. Carefree and Latilla are now in the Mare Motel and Gomez has moved into the Gummies.
In the Isolation Pasture:
Higgins, the Thoroughbred type gelding.
Checkers, the Appy gelding.
Slider, the four year old non colored Appy gelding.
Roulette, the black Quarter Horse mare.
I took these photos this morning:
First off, the newest arrivals were moved into the Isolation pasture so they can move around and hang out together. The other three feedlot horses, Carefree, Latilla and Gomez were moved to the rescue side of the ranch. Carefree and Latilla are now in the Mare Motel and Gomez has moved into the Gummies.
In the Isolation Pasture:

Back on the Rescue side:
Gummie pen member, Falcon.
This is another New Arrival, a big draft cross Mule named Moose. Moose was donated by his owner and is blind in one eye.
We went ahead and let him out to wander today and he ambled away to explore his new home...
In Kinder Care, Brisa is getting big!
Hoops in Easy Street...
Ciento in Easy Street...
Poker, also in Easy Street.
Wanderer Charlie by Okay Corral...
Slewus gets a drink in the Big Pasture...
Okay Corral.
More Okay Corral.
Nevada in Easy Street...
Nevada's boyfriend, Stitch.
Cognac is up to a very healthy weight and will begin her adoption evaluation within a month...
In the Bar, Cricket and Butterfly shared a feed bucket...
We removed Fame's staples, the wound looks great.
Sally removing stitches from Hoops who had cut her head at the last vet testing. It's all healed up as well.
Ketchum looking great in Assisted Living, he is doing wonderfully!
Battle Born, now weaned and ready to move to his new home...
He is going to make such a neat horse!
Sunny, who came from the Feedlot with chronic Laminitis, is having trouble. The heat really makes the Laminitic horses feel worse...

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