Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Another hot one! It was supposed to get up to 111 Degrees again.

Moses and Godspeed went to their Foster home today, we are all so happy about that! I already had our first update and looks like Godspeed is the boss! Slewus also headed out to his Foster home. Big thanks to everyone who opens up their homes and hearts to needy horses.

Will had a small bout with colic today. He was up and down and not feeling well at all. I called the vet just as we were hooking up the trailer. We are so far from the clinic that we do not like to hesitate if the horse needs to go in, especially a baby like Will. But, the Colic Gods were smiling on us today, we were told that the vet was already in Sandy Valley, right across the street. What a relief! We gave Will a dose of Banamine for the pain while we waited. By the time the vet arrived, he was looking alot better, but we decided to go ahead a tube him with water and oil just to be on the safe side. We are watching him throughout the day and night, but he is doing great. Dr. Little thought it could just be some gas. Here is little Will being tubed- poor guy!

One of the new Fallon Horses, Sammy the Morgan/Arab cross started his evaluation today. He still needs some foot care, but he has great manners, is fun to ride, and has a wonderful trot. He will go up for adoption next week. Here he is walking under saddle for the first time since his rescue (a little rough at the end, but it was his first time being ridden since his save! :o)):

A view of the Big Pasture:

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