Thursday, May 22, 2008


We just got home from picking up the 4 remaining auction horses- Slewus, Larceny, Six, and Charmin. All got right in the trailer and rode quietly. Except for Slewus, who although he was quiet, has this funny habit of rocking the trailer back and forth when you stop. Nothing frantic, just a steady rocking. Slewus was probably the most stressed of the four, when we finally got to the ranch, he had somehow unclipped his lead rope and had his head underneath Larceny's head in Larceny's manger. He wouldn't take his head away, even when I tried to move it over to his side. It was sad, it was like he had just about had it and needed his friend to comfort him...

All unloaded and settled into their Isolation corrals. Finally all 8 are safe and sound.

I will get some pics and videos tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for their concern and interest in all the horses, including these new guys, we appreciate it more than you know.

Have a great night.


Cheryl Ann said...

Phew! I am glad they all made it to Shiloh!

Amber said...

Poor Slewus! I hope he realizes he is safe now.