Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Weekend

Saturday was a beautiful day, Sunday was rainy. We had alot of activity at the rescue with lots of visitors, volunteers, boarders, and potential adopters. Saturday was crazy, Sunday quieter due to the weather.

Geoff, the Farrier, worked hard on the horses. We put Echo Echo into thick foam pads, duct taped to his feet. We are trying to keep him more comfortable as he goes through an acute stage of his Laminitis. With some pain meds and the pads, he was moving much easier and even showed some stallion behavior (for the first time since he arrived) when two mares, Gato and Meadow, were moved into a barn stall. He was doing even better on Sunday. See Echo's new comfy shoes below (he sure looks like a different horse from when he first arrived!).

The pig, Kevin bacon, stayed at the ranch, we think he has adopted us! Chris from across the street, came over, as she knew the pig and has been leaving feed out for him as he wandered the valley. After seeing how happy he seemed at the rescue, she said, let him stay. He likes the horses, but still fights a bit with Oscar Meyer. He spent all Sunday in Little Vacation Village, helping himself to Equine Senior and basically settling in. We sure hope he decides to stay with us, but he is free to leave if he would like. Chris had been calling him Tripod (because of his foot), so his official name is now "Tripod Francis Kevin Bacon", "Bacon" for short. (Below, he says hi to Pirate in the Mare Motel.)
The goat, Slew has been just loving his new house, look how cozy it is! He never comes out now!

Frost was put on an adoption pending, while little Skittles was officially adopted by the Lee Family of Pahrump. Dave worked with the mares, and other boarders pitched in to get the chores done. Charlie was in his usual form, greeting visitors and generally getting into trouble!

Next Saturday, Feb 9th, at 10am, Sabine (Shiloh's rider) will be conducting a basic horsemanship class. She will be teaching how to halter and lead a horse, how to remove it from it's corral safely, how to groom, and basic safety while working around horses. This is PERFECT class for new volunteers, and "rusty" horse lovers. The cost is $5.00 per person, just come on out and join in, but don't be late! A great way to get the most out of your visits to Shiloh.

Marianne and Jill are still updating the new website, we have some great ideas for it and it's coming along great. Thanks for bearing with us as we get the kinks out and transfer all the content from the old site.

1 comment:

KellyByrd said...

Looking forward to this Saturday's class- even got my husband to commit to coming with me! It takes and hour and a half to get there from our house, and as he's not a morning person, it's a joy for me to get him out and about! Can't wait for the class!
Kelly Byrd